Inspiring Quotes from Brené Brown
This year I have a lot of personal work to do. I have to prioritize my physical and mental health. I have to deal with a few past traumas. I have to get some bad habits under control and develop healthier habits. But guess what? I’m not in a crisis. Nothing is wrong. I just need to be proactive and keep things as good as they are now!
Time and time again, I find myself looking to Brené Brown for wisdom and inspiration. I was saving a few of her quotes for my 2020 inspiration board, and I realized it was time to create a follow up to my post on the best Brené Brown quotes. If you’re looking for inspiration for the new year or maybe just need motivation to take a step in the right direction, today’s post for you. I’m sharing a few of the most inspiring quotes from Brené Brown, and I can’t wait to hear which one is your favorite!
One of the promises I’ve made myself this year is to be more vulnerable. I consider myself to be an honest and open person, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t terrified of failure. I purposely hold back in certain areas of my life to minimize risk, and while that’s sometimes a smart move, it’s oftentimes a form of self-sabotage. I may not always get the outcome I want, but putting myself into those situations will build courage and character and get me another step closer to my ultimate goals.
Hello, my name is Ashley, and I’m codependent. Let’s just say it’s not fun, and I’m determined to keep reducing my codependency so that I won’t pass it down to my daughters. This year, I’m making it a personal priority to get more comfortable with appropriate boundaries, so this inspiring quote from Brené Brown really hits home. One of the thing that’s helped me the most is to remember that maintaining appropriate boundaries is the kind and empathetic thing to do. Boundaries don’t close people off; they define a safe space for both parties.
I shared a shortened version of this quote in my post on the best Brené Brown quotes, and it’s really stuck with me. Every time I catch myself criticizing someone or something, I try to remember that doing so is only making things worse for everyone. I’m not changing the situation or making myself feel better, and the person/thing won’t change based on my criticism. What will help? Contributing something positive like empathy, a good idea, a smile, or even just walking away from whatever or whoever is bugging me and going out and doing something positive for the world.
As you might’ve guessed, this quote hit my codependency right on the head. It’s 100% my instinct to diminish anything that I feel – especially when I think it might make someone else feel bad. But honestly, sharing my true feelings – whether it’s pain or joy – isn’t hurting anyone and hiding those feelings hurts everyone. I hurt myself by not celebrating my successes and not fully recognizing my pain, and I hurt others at the same time. Maybe sharing my pain – even if it’s different- can be an empathic way to help someone know they’re not alone. And maybe sharing my joys can give someone hope on a dark day. Your pain and your joy are meaningful and don’t deserve to be ranked alongside someone else’s experiences.
Like most people, I’m guilty of judging people from far away. It’s easy to pass judgement when you only see the outline of someone’s life, but how often do you take the time to really get closer and see the tiny details of someone’s life and character. I’ve sadly seen quite a few people in my life face severe criticism for things that couldn’t have been farther from the reality of their life. Trust me, everyone is facing a battle that you know nothing about. The next time you find yourself casting judgment, pause and take a moment to think about how your life would look to an outsider.
As John Green said in The Fault in Our Stars, pain “demands to be felt.” No matter how hard you try to hide, bury, and numb away the pain, it will find a way to bubble up to the surface. One of my resolutions for this year is to further deal with some traumas from my past that are too painful to think about on a daily basis. I’m so happy in my life, but when I’m stressed, I can feel the pain coming out in horrible ways – anger, overreactions, self-sabotage. If you’re in pain, please know that things can and will get better. I’m right here with you, and we’ll find a way out. But I can tell you one thing: it is impossible to numb the pain away. You have to go through the pain and deal with it to get to the other side.
It’s easy to be there for people in good times, but it can be uncomfortable and difficult to sit with someone else’s pain. Don’t only be there when things are easy. Show up when your loved ones are hurting and don’t look away when they show you their pain. Lean in, help them sit in the discomfort, and be a soft pillow for them to land on when things aren’t going well. Simply showing up when things are tough, acknowledging that the situation absolutely sucks, and sticking around until the rough patch is over means more than you could ever know.
People think that true love is all roses and unicorns and fairytales, and sometimes it is; however, real love can also be messy and painful and scary. That’s what makes love so great and also so scary. Let me tell you from experience: true love is worth the risk. It’s painful and terrifying at times, but oh boy, is it beautiful.
For more inspiring quotes from Brené Brown, head to my post on The Best Brené Brown quotes. There are some gems in there! If you’d like to read more quotes from other inspiring women, follow my Make It Happen inspiration board on Pinterest and check out my posts on 11 Quotes That Showcase The Brilliance of Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, Cheryl Strayed Quotes That Will Change Your Life, Leap And The Net Will Appear, and Say Yes, Do More, And Be Better.