4 Easy Ways to Combat Dry Skin and Hair (#1 Might Surprise You)
This year, I’m committed to making big changes in my life. I’ve spent the past week brainstorming all of my goals for the year, and while I probably have 1000 micro-goals in mind, the main theme of the year is developing better habits in all areas of my life- including my beauty routine. I actually started my beauty regimen transformation a few months ago after receiving a major scolding from my aesthetician, and my skin and hair are looking and feeling so much better. Dry skin and hair are the result of a variety of internal (health, diet, skin type) and external factors (climate, weather, heat damage, products used), so I’ve put together a list of four changes that I’ve made in my daily routine that have created positive results. Spoiler alert: there isn’t one magical solution to fix dry skin and hair, but a mixture of changes to your diet and beauty routine can make a positive difference in the appearance and health of your hair and skin.
1. Monitor Water Temperature
I know what you’re thinking. How in the world does the temperature of my shower make any difference at all? Well, guess what? Water temperature can have an effect on the overall condition of your skin and hair. If water is too hot, it can strip your skin of its natural oils as well as cause irritation or inflammation. A scalding hot shower might feel great on chilly winter days, but it can leave your skin and hair dry and damaged. Conversely, if water is too cold, your pores will constrict and prevent proper cleansing. As you might expect, it’s all about finding the right balance between comfort and overall skin health. Moderately warm water tends to be the optimal temperature for cleansing skin and hair without causing damage. For the past few months, I’ve been using the Delta Temp2O 6-Setting Shower Head to monitor my shower’s temperature, and I’ve found that around 101-105ºF is my optimal temperature range. It’s slightly colder than what’s most comfortable, but if it makes my skin and hair look better then I’m all for it. My aesthetician recommended cleansing my face with lukewarm water to prevent inflammation and redness, so I tend to lower the temperature of my shower even more before washing my face. The showerhead’s Temp2O Technology makes monitoring water temperature quick and easy. The digital temperature displays the water’s exact temperature and changes colors for different temperature ranges (blue = below 80ºF, magenta= 80-110ºF, and red= over 110ºF). While there are many factors that contribute to dry skin, I’m happy to eliminate at least one of the causes by monitoring water temperature.2. Increase Water Consumption
While water of the incorrect temperature can cause damage to your skin’s exterior, it’s important to increase your water consumption to improve your skin’s internal health. If your skin is dry and scaly, check to see if you’re drinking enough water each day. When your body isn’t properly hydrated, you’ll see the effects in your skin and hair. If you have a problem drinking enough water each day, get creative. I love infusing my water with various fruits and herbs, and I’m also a huge fan of unsweetened flavored sparkling water. Maintaining proper hydration will improve your overall health, which will lead to shinier hair, plump skin, and less dryness on your body’s exterior.
When you’re in good health, you skin and hair are going to look better. Period. Proper hydration is just one element of a healthy diet, so remember that it’s also important to monitor your health, exercise consistently, and eat a balanced diet filled with fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and lean proteins.
3. Invest in Hydrating Products
Now that we’ve talked about ways to prevent external damage and improve the internal health of your skin and hair, it’s time to discuss how to deal with external symptoms. When your skin is dry, it can become tight, uncomfortable, and itchy. Dry hair looks frizzy and untamed, and the parched strands can break easily. Cold and dry winter weather can exacerbate the issues related to dry skin and hair, so it’s more important than ever to use high-quality, intensely moisturizing products. The winter weather will strip your skin and hair of its natural moisture throughout the day, so it’s important to replenish it with healing moisture. Look for products that add moisture and stay away from products that simply mask the symptoms of dry skin and hair. The goal is to heal your skin and hair for good instead of hiding your problems for the day.
I used to shy away from moisturizing beauty products because I was afraid I’d be left with oily skin and hair. I could not have been farther from the truth. As soon as I switched to moisturizing formulas in my body, skin, and hair products, my skin and hair actually had a balanced amount of moisture and my oil production was decreased. Here’s how it works: when your skin is dry, your body overproduces oil to replenish your skin’s natural moisture. The more you strip away those oils, the more your body will produce. When you switch to moisturizing products, your skin is already moisturized and won’t produce excess oil. You’ll be left with smooth skin and soft hair, instead of the oil slick you might expect.
4. Use Oil for Everything
Here are some of my favorite products to combat dry winter skin and hair:
$100 Home Depot Gift Card Giveaway
I’d love for each and every one of you to have the opportunity to Delta Temp2O 6-Setting Shower Head. Delta Faucet has kindly provided one $100 Home Depot gift card for me to giveaway, which will you purchase a showerhead for yourself or perhaps something to help you accomplish your home decor goals in 2016. Simply entering using the Gleam widget below for your chance to win. Good luck!Thanks to Delta Faucet for sponsoring today’s post. All stated opinions are my honest and genuine thoughts.