4 Easy Ways to Calm Dry And Irritated Winter Skin

I like to consider myself a fairly low-maintenance girl, but I have to admit that my skin does not share my laid-back lifestyle. When the weather gets even a little bit cold and dry, my skin becomes dry, irritated, and sensitive in a matter of days. It’s like my skin is so spoiled from Florida’s warm and humid weather that it can’t behave itself in winter weather for even a week! Thankfully when my skin decides to throw a little temper tantrum, I know exactly what to do. I go back to gentle soaps that I’ve used for years and moisturize like a mad woman, and within a few days, my skin will calm down and return to its normal and non-dramatic appearance.
If you have skin that’s just as sensitive and dramatic as mine during the cooler months, today’s post is for you! I’m sharing three easy ways to calm dry winter skin along with a fabulous and affordable stocking stuffer idea for the holiday season!
4 Easy Ways to Calm Dry And Irritated Winter Skin

1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
No matter what is causing your skin’s irritation, it will only be exacerbated if you skin also dries out. That’s why I am constantly slathering lotions on my skin throughout the day when I have dry and irritated winter skin. I apply a thin layer of lotion or hand cream after every time I wash my hands, and thoroughly coat my body in thick cream at night before I go to bed.When at all possible, use the most moisturizing formulas available to you and use a generous amount of product. The more moisturize you can keep on your skin, the better! Don’t worry about leaving oils on your skin; they’re helping your skin. If you keep your skin moisturized, I promise that it will help to reduce itchiness, sensitivity, and redness.

2. Make sure you’re using bath and body products that are appropriate for the season.
When the weather changes, you adjust your wardrobe to ensure that your skin stays the correct temperature, so why wouldn’t you also change the beauty products you’re using on your skin each season as well? Here in Florida, we’ve had hot and humid weather all summer and fall, so I could get away lightweight bath products. Now that the season has cooled down and the gentle winter breeze is here to stay, my skin is demanding more moisture. While my skin can be particularly sensitive in cold weather, I know that my husband experiences similar issues and so does my family and friends who come to visit throughout the holiday season. That’s why my husband and I stocked up on some of our all-time favorite soaps and body washes from Dove along with a new favorite find during my last trip to Sam’s Club.I’ve been using Dove products for years, and I’m always impressed by the gentle formula and nourishing moisture their products provide. Unlike some body products, their soaps don’t irritate my already dry and itchy skin because they’re packed with moisturizers. They still leave you feeling clean and refreshed, but your skin’s natural moisture isn’t stripped. Plus, you honestly can’t beat the price! If you’re looking for bath and body products that are great in the winter, here are my top three recommendations from Dove:

If you’re looking for a basic soap that smells fresh, leaves your skin hydrated, and won’t irritate your dry winter skin, check out the classic Dove beauty bar. I once had a dermatologist tell me that she only used Dove bar soap on her face. I honestly was so shocked that someone who had access to all of the fanciest skincare products in the world would choose an affordable bar soap, but I trusted her judgment and grabbed a bar to try for myself. After a few days of washing my face with Dove soap, I was astounded by the results. My normal redness was fading, and my breakouts were dissipating.
When I was at Sam’s Club for our normal weekly grocery run, I saw that they had a 14-count of the Dove Beauty Bars and immediately threw it in our cart. This soap is fantastic for washing your face and body, and I honestly even like using it to shave my legs! I threw a few bars in each of my bathrooms for our guests to use as they visit us throughout the season, and I reserved the remainders for something I’ll talk about later in this post.

If you’re more of a body wash type of gal, you can’t go wrong with Dove body washes. They’re thick, moisturizing, and don’t dry out your skin. I grabbed a three-pack of the Dove Deep Moisture Body Wash I’ve used on and off since my college days along with a jumbo-size bottle of the Dove Go Fresh Revive Body Wash. It’s scented like pomegranate and lemon verbena, and oh my goodness, it smells HEAVENLY. The Revive body wash immediately went into my shower because I couldn’t resist the scent, and I added the Deep Moisture body wash to the welcome kit we have for guests in our guest bathroom.
Whenever we have friends or family visiting, I want them to feel like our home is their home, so I try to add little touches in our guest bedroom and bathroom to help them feel more at ease. I add baskets with snacks throughout the house, keep stacks of fluffy and fresh towels in their bedroom, and of course, keep a little kit of hygiene necessities in the guest bathroom. These little things can really make your guests feel more comfortable in your home, and you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg. Just add a few of the products that you use and love, and I promise you, they will truly appreciate your hospitality.

3. Lower your water temperature.
I know what you’re thinking. Why on earth would I want to lower my water temperature when it’s colder outside? The thing is, you really shouldn’t be bathing in water warmer than 105 degrees if possible. Even though the warm water feels good on your skin, it can actually do more harm than good. Water over 105 degrees can dry out your skin and hair leading to more irritation, dryness, and sensitivity. I actually use a showerhead with a built-in thermometer to check my water temperature, and it’s been a gamechanger! If at all possible, try to lower your water temperature- even by a few degrees. It doesn’t need to be cold- just at 105 degrees.

Now that I’ve shared three easy ways to calm your dry and irritated skin this winter, here’s another tip that I swear by: give beauty gifts as stocking stuffers this holiday season! Every Christmas, I always fill my family’s stockings with useful products that I know they’ll love. Thanks to my latest trip to Sam’s, I now have a few extra Dove body washes and Beauty Bars to add to their stockings. You can also throw a few Dove products together and add a shower loofah for a cute and affordable Christmas gift idea!
Whether you’re stocking up on bath products for your family or shopping for affordable Christmas presents, definitely take a peek at the selection of Dove products during your next trip to Sam’s Club. They smell great, work like a charm, keep your skin moisturized, and don’t break the bank! Since I have a one-year-old who likes to climb out of shopping carts, I LOVE that I can use the Club Pickup option at Sam’s Club. I simply order online and run into the store to pickup my completed order. If I’m headed into the store anyways, I’ll use the Scan and Go app to scan each item as I place it in my cart. I simply pay on my phone and show m receipt as I’m walking out the store. Both features make shopping with a curious and energetic toddler a BREEZE!